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5 foods that are of great help for constipation patients

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. But in our fast changing lives we are totally forgetting the meaning of these lines which disturbs our healthy routine and become open invitation to disease like “constipation”. Constipation is a most common problem which you might experience once in your life. Most of the people don't like to discuss about this digestive disorder because they may think that people will make fun of their disorder. It is not a severe issue if you detect its symptoms in the starting stage but it will become severe if you take it lightly or you feel ashamed off and ignoring it constantly. According to the doctors, constipation means that you have three or fewer bowel movements during a week. As a result it causes straining in having bowel movements or passing stools that are small, hard and dry. If you are suffering from this problem then you have to make some changes in your day to day practices by making some particular foods a habit. It is literally easy to treat this and even easier to prevent it as long as you know its causes.

Lifestyle and diet

lifestyle and diet for constipation

As you know that ‘nothing is permanent except changes’ so it’s time to make changes in your routine diet. A poor diet, inactive lifestyle and lack of exercise effects your digestive health and are the most common causes of constipation. Saying no to junk food is the most recommended precaution to get rid of constipation.


medication for constipation

Medication is also the factor which may causes constipation. Being a part of modern society most of the population is bounded to take lots of drugs in a day for several health ailments like depression, lack of nutrients and blood pressure that can cause constipation.

Health conditions

The health conditions like stroke, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injury, pregnancy and diabetes etc. can cause constipation. Aging can also be an important factor that results in constipation. So to prevent it you should keep your bowel movements be taken on regular basis. As you hear a well known proverb that “prevention is better than cure” so on this basis we are providing you the list of foods which are helpful in this concern and may give you the guidelines to how you can recover yourself from this digestive illness.

Foods rich in Fiber

fiber for constipation

If you have experienced constipation at one point or more than occasionally, it can be a sign that your diet needs more fiber. You need to add higher fiber rich foods to your diet and make sure you drink plenty of fluids which help the fiber flow properly through your digestive tract.

Add Berries and popcorn

berries and popcorn for constipation

You all are aware about the berries and the pop corns which you enjoy while watching movies are the best source of high fiber rich diet. Add it in your daily meal to get rid of this digestive disorder.

Switch to whole – Grain Breads

You can switch your regular bread with multigrain bread or whole grain bread because it will be beneficial to you to increase the intake of high dietary fiber, low in fat and complex carbohydrates.

Snack time with Dried fruits

Dried fruits, like dates, apricots, figs and raisins are the good source of dietary fiber that heals constipation. Add it in your diet and make yourself free form constipation.

Fiber rich Broccoli

broccoli for constipation

Broccoli is a super star ingredient of fiber which is low in calories and a great source of nutrients. You can use it in raw form for quick and effective result, since cooking it can reduce its fiber content.

It can be uncomfortable to talk about, but even more uncomfortable to deal with. If you need to combat this you have to increase the intake of above mentioned foods in your life. Make it an essential part of your life to fight with constipation and stay healthy, wealthy and fit because a sound mind is always found in a sound body.

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